What's New

Okay, so I have a lot of things I want to write about, but first I need to get everyone up to speed on things going on around The Naga Center.

The Move

First, in case you missed my last blog post, I'm in a teacher transition.  I've moved to the outskirts of Portland to a lovely little piece of property with trees and a creek.  This is my new home, and new headquarters of my Thai healing arts work.  I've put up a sweet yurt that is almost done, and gotten all of my jars of herbs out of boxes and onto shelves where I can gaze upon their loveliness.  I have a handful of already scheduled workshops to complete, and then a lot of contemplating to do as I move toward a more traditional model of teaching, with smaller classes and/or individual home stay apprenticeship.  More on that as it clarifies. 

Extending Out

Even as I pull my tentacles in closer here in Oregon, with an intentional softening and downsizing of my teaching practice, I am simultaneously extending myself outward toward a larger audience of students on a global level.  My online Thai Medical Theory for Bodyworkers course is forming an ever more international community that transitions into my ongoing online study group, consisting of those who have completed the theory course.  And so I find myself daily in conversation with students around the world.  Along these lines, I'll be teaching in London this coming June, where I hope to meet more of my international students who have not yet been able to make the journey to the U.S.

Naga Center Teacher's Guild

The last bit of news I want to share is really exciting.  I have recently invited a handful of students of mine to begin teaching certain classes from my curriculum.  Last September they came from all over the country and as far away as the UK, to gather as a group for the first time.  Collectively they are The Naga Center Teacher's Guild, and they are the kindest, most supportive and lovely group of teachers you can imagine.  In the years that I have been teaching Thai massage I have often been stunned at the competitive nature of the teaching world.  Seeing these sweet souls actively cheering one another on in their quest to share knowledge, leaning on one another for inspiration, and teaching each other, is pure loveliness. 
Students who take foundational classes with any of these teachers are eligible for my more advanced classes and have the opportunity to repeat the classes as interns with other Naga Center Guild teachers (myself included) so long as there is space.
Some of the Guild teachers have already been teaching their own classes for many years and some are brand new to instruction.  All of them are dedicated to studying and sharing Thai bodywork Thai medical theory and authentic practices.